Friday, October 1, 2010

Places everyone!

Something I really like is having sex in naughty places. Don't get me wrong bed is great - you can relax and do just about anything, but every now and then fucking somewhere you shouldn't is such a turn on.

I remember making love at the beach, in the water. The weightlessness made it all so effortless and knowing other people could see us from a distance was such a turn on. Sure they couldn't see anything much (though if they stared they would have known what was going on!) but the idea of it *groan*.

Maybe we'll go to the pools this afternoon....

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wanton Wednesday

My first time ever joining in :) Just a quick shot, my favourite bra makes my boobs sit so nicely in my top, and makes me feel sexy :) Maybe I should show you the actual bra too? ;)

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Planned Sex

Saw my man for lunch today. Told him I was horny and couldn't wait for him to fuck me. Texted him a little while later, asked if he could leave work early, so that we could have a go :)
He arrived home, and I was waiting in a sexy nightie.
'planning' sex like that is an awesome way to be ready, and waiting, and makes for awesome sex.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Great Sex

Lit the fire the other night, pulled a mattress in front of it, and suggested to the man that he come and join me. Oh yeah, he had no worries joining me! We made love in front of the fire (who am I kidding, we fucked like bunnies), and enjoyed getting back in touch with each other.

Take whatever opportunities you can, it's what it's all about.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Fitting in sex

So when you are a parent of 5 children, how the heck do you fit it sex? We hear this question all the time, and just laugh. We have a very active sex life, and fit it in several times a week.

My biggest advice is to take the chance when you get it. If the kids are all outside playing ball, you play ball too.
If the kids are all colouring in, or reading books, sneak into the toilet and have a harvey wallbanger. It makes it all the more fun, and you have the added spice of having to be quiet as well.